
Brexit on Canal + : what is the movie with Benedict Cumberbatch as a craftsman of the leave ?

Benedict Cumberbatch in great artisan of Brexit, in a telefilm English that traces the events that led the people of the United States to vote on withdrawal from the European Union. Nick Wall This is the story of a manipulation. On A large scale. On June 23, 2016, the inhabitants of the United Kingdom vote in the Brexit, or the withdrawal of the European Union. Three years later (it’s short but it sounds like an eternity), a telefilm English seizes the subject in order to highlight the scenes of the campaign, because if we know the outcome, we don’t know how. And the reality goes beyond the fiction. Nick Wall/Channel 4/House Productions

“A lot of people know who won, but few know how” A priori, there is not much sexy about the Brexit. It is perhaps for this reason that Toby Haynes chooses to hit the viewer with a montage clipesque, halfway between Fight Club and Sherlock. A feeling reinforced by the presence of Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of Dominic Cummings, honcho behind the campaign for a Brexit. The man is extremely intelligent, far-sighted, almost superior in his way of understanding the world and impose its ideas. Haughty, insolent, and arrogant also, we will not be surprised to find the performer of the famous detective, with, however, feel a little disgusted to see the actor to replay forever the same role.

Past the first ten minutes a little fatiguantes where are bombarded with information and characters at a pace stakhanoviste, one enters the heart of the matter. The movie then becomes extremely illuminating on the reasons that led people to vote the withdrawal of the European Union. With a sudden resignation, this is the camp in the face of which is obvious : “their campaign began 20 years ago. A long drip of fear and hatred. How many in our camp have blamed the European or “foreign” when it suited them ? “. A dramatic insight that is affecting more and more countries, as we see the far right take power, or other governments tightening their migration policies. Added to this is the gap that is growing between the people and the political leaders. We realize that there is no exception to English and that the Brexit reflects an exasperation general, manipulated by actors of the shadow. And this is where it becomes scary. Nick Wall

“The money is one thing, but data is power,” We first see Dominic Cummings as a figure a bit eccentric and cynical, putting his intelligence at the service of a cause that he embraces it more for the challenge than by belief. The man has a side anarchist, wishing to break the mold to hope to see something new emerge. It is not in the elite. His first surveys are carried out in pubs, with a willingness to understand what is at stake in the mid-proletarians because it is there that lie the keys to the future Brexit. Then another actor enters the dance. His name : AggregateIQ (we learn that Cambridge Analytica took part also) and its role ? The micro-targeting advertising. A software designed to analyze information gathered on social networks (Facebook header) in order to create an algorithm capable of create ads is a scalable real-time to adapt to each person individually. It is the end of massive campaigns that are uniform, place in the custom formula. The team of Cummings would have launched one billion targeted advertisements via AggregateIQ.

We don’t know yet, but it is the face of the policy that is changed. In the same year, Donald Trump will win the u.s. presidential elections. In 2018, we will learn the interference of Cambridge Analytica, both in the Brexit in the victory of Donald Trump. Because the English company was not content to produce a flow of individual information, it is accused of sucking personal data of millions of users without their consent (via a quiz). The real power now lies in the “data” and other algorithms.

Television in the public interest Brexit shines maybe not artistically, but the movie shows the behind the scenes of a movement prominent in the political world. She says, perhaps a little too ostentatious, its educational purpose. Give the keys to an understanding of complex things, a perspective to be able to appreciate what is being played out in the shadow and which is beyond us a little. This is the television of public utility, for what one learns, and which may be downright freaking out by what it reveals. Brexit is released this Monday, march 28 at 21h05 on Canal+ Brexit trailer VO

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